Saturday, 7 April 2012

Our Family Tree

All squirrels belong to the Rodent Family (also known as Order Rodentia). Members of the Rodent family typically have efficient gnawing front teeth and include animals such as the rat, mice and voles.

The Squirrel family (also known as family Sciuridae), is within the Rodent Family and covers three different types of squirrel:
  • Flying squirrels
  • Ground dwelling squirrels
  • Tree Squirrels
Red Squirrels are classified as being tree squirrels.

Fossil Evidence

The first evidence of the tree squirrel is the fossil of Protosciurus. This is the oldest known tree squirrel fossil and is dated at being 34 million years old. This little fella lived in Wyoming in the USA during a period where woodlands were widespread. He is now stored in the National Museum of Natural History at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington so if your visiting Washington go take a look.

We 21st Century Squirrels don't look too much different from these fossilised remains and as a result we are sometimes considered as being living fossils. Although we don't look too much different nowadays there are at least 267 different species of squirrel spread throughout the world, coming in all different shapes, sizes and colours.

The Squirrel Family Tree ( Family of Sciuridae )

Here is an extremely long list of the entire Squirrel family.
(I used Wikipedia as a quick reference so there are probably a few errors, let me know and I will correct them)
  • Oriental giant squirrels (subfamily Ratufinae)Oriental giant squirrels are very large tree squirrels that live in south and southeast Asia.
    • Cream-coloured giant squirrel, (Ratufa affinis)
      a large tree squirrel found in Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand
    • Black giant squirrel, (Ratufa bicolor)
      a large tree squirrel found in forests from northern Bangladesh, northeast India, eastern Nepal, Bhutan, southern China, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and western Indonesia.
    • Indian giant squirrel, (Ratufa indica)
      a large tree squirrel native to India and can be found in South Asia.
    • Grizzled giant squirrel, (Ratufa macroura)
      a large tree squirrel found in the highlands of the Central and Uva provinces of Sri Lanka, and in patches of riparian forest along the Kaveri River and in the hill forests in the Tamil Nadu and Kerala states of southern India
  • Neotropical Pygmy Squirrel (Subfamily Sciurillinae)
    is a very small tree squirrel and is found in the lowland rainforests of Brazil, Colombia, Peru, French Guiana, Guyana and Suriname.
  • (Subfamily Sciurinae)
  • this subfamily contains all the flying squirrels and related tree squirrels
    • Tree Squirrels (Tribe Sciurini)
      • Dwarf Squirrels ( Genus Microsciurus )
        • Central American Dwarf Squirrel,
          ( Microsciurus alfari )

          a small tree squirrel found in Colombia, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Panama.
        • Amazon Dwarf Squirrel,
          ( Microsciurus flaviventer )

          a small chipmunk-size tree squirrel found in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. 
        • Western Dwarf Squirrel,
          ( Microsciurus mimulus )

          a small tree squirrel found in Colombia, Ecuador, and Panama.
        • Santander Dwarf Squirrel,
          ( Microsciurus santanderensis )

          a small tree squirrel found in Colombia.
      • (Genus Rheithrosciurus)
        • Tufted Ground Squirrel, ( Rheithrosciurus macrotis )
          found only on the island of Borneo, in Indonesia, Brunei and Malaysia.
      • (Genus Sciurus)
        • Subgenus Sciurus
          • Allen's Squirrel, ( Sciurus alleni )
            a tree squirrel found in northern Mexico.
          • Arizona Gray Squirrel, ( Sciurus arizonensis )
            a tree squirrel found in the canyons and valleys surrounded by deciduous and mixed forests in eastern Arizona and northern Mexico.
          • Mexican Gray Squirrel, ( Sciurus aureogaster )
            a tree squirrel found in Guatemala, eastern and southern Mexico, and has been introduced to the Florida Keys.
          • Eastern Gray Squirrel, ( Sciurus carolinensis )
            a tree squirrel native to the eastern and midwestern United States, and to the southerly portions of the eastern provinces of Canada. This Squirrel was the one introduced into Britain.
          • Collie's Squirrel, ( Sciurus colliaei )
            a tree squirrel found in Mexico.
          • Deppe's Squirrel, ( Sciurus deppei )
            a tree squirrel found in Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, and Nicaragua.
          • Japanese Squirrel, ( Sciurus lis )
            a tree squirrel native to Japan
          • Mexican Fox Squirrel, ( Sciurus nayaritensis )
            a tree squirrel found throughout the Sierra Madre Occidental as far south as Jalisco, Mexico, northward into the United States in the Chiricahua Mountains of southeastern Arizona.
          • Eastern Fox Squirrel, ( Sciurus niger )
            the largest species of tree squirrel native to North America.
          • Peters's Squirrel, ( Sciurus oculatus )
            a tree squirrel found in Mexico.
          • Variegated Squirrel, ( Sciurus variegatoides )
            a tree squirrel found in Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, southern Mexico, Nicaragua, and Panama.
          • Eurasian Red Squirrel, ( Sciurus vulgaris )
            a tree squirrel common throughout Eurasia and the native Squirrel to Britain. 
          • Yucatan Squirrel, ( Sciurus yucatanensis )
            a tree squirrel found in Belize, Guatemala, and Mexico.
        • ( Subgenus Otosciurus )
          • Abert's Squirrel, ( Sciurus aberti )
            a tree squirrel found in the Rocky Mountains from United States to Mexico, with concentrations found in Arizona, The Grand Canyon, New Mexico, and southwestern Colorado.
        • ( Subgenus Guerlinguetus )
          • Brazilian Squirrel (Guianan Squirrel), ( Sciurus aestuans )
            a tree squirrel found in South America. It is found in North-eastern Argentina, Brazil, Guyana, French Guiana, Suriname and Venezuela.
          • South Yungas Red Squirrel, ( Sciurus argentinius )
          • Yellow-throated Squirrel, ( Sciurus gilvigularis )
            a tree squirrel found in South America. It is found in Brazil, Guyana and Venezuela.
          • Red-tailed Squirrel, ( Sciurus granatensis )
            a tree squirrel found in South America. It is found in Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama, Trinidad and Tobago, and Venezuela.
          • Bolivian Squirrel, ( Sciurus ignitus )
            a tree squirrel found in South America. It is found in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil and Peru at elevations up to 2,600 metres (8,500 ft) in the Andes region.
          • Atlantic Forest Squirrel, ( Sciurus ingrami )
            commonly known as Ingram's squirrel and serelepe, it is a squirrel found in South America regarded variously as a seperate species or as a subspecies of the Brazilian squirrel.
          • Andean Squirrel, ( Sciurus pucheranii )
            a tree squirrel found in Colombia.
          • Richmond's Squirrel, ( Sciurus richmondi )
            a tree squirrel found in Nicaragua.
          • Sanborn's Squirrel, ( Sciurus sanborni )
            a tree squirrel found in Peru
          • Guayaquil Squirrel, ( Sciurus stramineus )
            a tree squirrel found in Ecuador and Peru.
        • ( Subgenus Tenes )
          • Persian Squirrel, ( Sciurus anomalus )
            a tree squirrel found in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Greece, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and Turkey. 
        • ( Subgenus Hadrosciurus )
          • Fiery Squirrel, ( Sciurus flammifer )
            a species of squirrel found in Venezuela.
          • Junín Red Squirrel, ( Sciurus pyrrhinus )
            a species of squirrel found in Peru.
        • ( Subgenus Hesperosciurus )
          • Western Gray Squirrel, ( Sciurus griseus )
            a tree squirrel found along the western coast of the United States and Canada.
        • ( Subgenus Urosciurus )
          • Northern Amazon Red Squirrel, ( Sciurus igniventris )
            a tree squirrel in South America. It occurs in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela.
          • Southern Amazon Red Squirrel, ( Sciurus spadiceus )
            a tree squirrel in South America. It is found in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.
      • (Genus Syntheosciurus)
        • Bangs's Mountain Squirrel, ( Syntheosciurus brochus )
          an almost unknown species of tree squirrel, it only lives in Costa Rica and Panama. It can be found in mountain rain forests at an altitude between 1,900 and 2,600 metres (6,200 and 8,500 ft),
      • Pine Squirrels ( Genus Tamiasciurus )
        Can be found in the northern and western United States, most of Canada, Alaska, and northwestern Mexico.
        • Douglas Squirrel, ( Tamiasciurus douglasii )
          a pine squirrel found in the Pacific coastal states and provinces of North America.
        • American Red Squirrel, ( Tamiasciurus hudsonicus )
          Also known as pine squirrels, North American red squirrels, and chickarees. They are widely distributed across North America wherever conifers are common, except on the Pacific coasts where they are replaced by Douglas Squirrels. 
        • Mearns's Squirrel, ( Tamiasciurus mearnsi )
          a species pine squirrel, found in pine and fir forests at altitudes of 2,100–2,400 metres (6,900–7,900 ft) in central Baja California in Mexico.
    • True Flying Squirrels ( Tribe Pteromyini )
      Flying squirrels are not capable of powered flight like birds or bats; instead, they glide between trees.
      • ( Subtribe Glaucomyina )
        • ( Genus Eoglaucomys )
          • Kashmir Flying Squirrel, ( Eoglaucomys fimbriatus )
            a flying squirrel found in India and Pakistan
        • New World flying squirrels ( Genus Glaucomys )
          the only flying squirrels found in North America
          • Southern Flying Squirrel, ( Glaucomys volans )
            It is found in deciduous and mixed woods in the eastern half of North America, from southeastern Canada, to Florida, USA. Populations have also been recorded in the highlands of Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras.
          • Northern Flying Squirrel, ( Glaucomys sabrinus )
            is found in coniferous and mixed forests across the top of North America, from Alaska to Nova Scotia, south to North Carolina and west to California.
        • ( Genus Hylopetes )
          • Particolored Flying Squirrel, ( Hylopetes alboniger )
            is a type of  flying squirrel found in Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, India, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand, and Vietnam
          • Afghan Flying Squirrel, ( Hylopetes baberi )
            is a type of flying squirrel found in Afghanistan
          • Bartel's Flying Squirrel, ( Hylopetes bartelsi )
            is a type of flying squirrel found in Indonesia
          • Gray-cheeked Flying Squirrel, ( Hylopetes lepidus )
            Is a type of flying squirrel living in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam.
          • Palawan Flying Squirrel, ( Hylopetes nigripes )
            Is a type of flying squirrel living in the Philippines.
          • Indochinese Flying Squirrel, ( Hylopetes phayrei )
            Is a type of flying squirrel living in China, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam.
          • Jentink’s Flying Squirrel, ( Hylopetes platyurus )
            Is a type of flying squirrel living in Indonesia and Malaysia.
          • Sipora Flying Squirrel, ( Hylopetes sipora )
            Is a type of flying squirrel living in Indonesia.
          • Red-cheeked Flying Squirrel, ( Hylopetes spadiceus )
            Is a type of flying squirrel living in Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam.
          • Sumatran Flying Squirrel, ( Hylopetes winstoni )
            is a flying squirrel only found on the island of Sumatra
        • ( Genus Iomys )
          • Javanese Flying Squirrel, ( Iomys horsfieldi )
            is a flying squirrel living in Indonesia and Malaysia.
          • Mentawi Flying Squirrel, ( Iomys sipora )
            is a flying squirrel living in Indonesia.
        • Pygmy Flying Squirrels ( Genus Petaurillus )
          • Lesser Pygmy Flying Squirrel, ( Petaurillus emiliae )
            is a pygmy flying squirrel living in Malaysia.
          • Hose's Pygmy Flying Squirrel, ( Petaurillus hosei )
            is a pygmy flying squirrel living in Malaysia.
          • Selangor Pygmy Flying Squirrel, ( Petaurillus kinlochii )
            is a pygmy flying squirrel living in the State of Selangor in Malaysia.
        • ( Genus Petinomys )
          • Basilan Flying Squirrel, ( Petinomys crinitus )
            is a flying squirrel living in the Philippines.
          • Travancore Flying Squirrel, ( Petinomys fuscocapillus )
            is a flying squirrel found in South India and Sri Lanka.
          • Whiskered Flying Squirrel, ( Petinomys genibarbis )
            is a flying squirrel found in Indonesia and Malaysia.
          • Hagen's Flying Squirrel, ( Petinomys hageni )
            is a flying squirrel living in Indonesia.
          • Siberut Flying Squirrel, ( Petinomys lugens )
            is a flying squirrel living in Indonesia.
          • Mindanao Flying Squirrel, ( Petinomys mindanensis )
            is a flying squirrel living in the Philippines.
          • Arrow Flying Squirrel, ( Petinomys sagitta )
            is a lying squirrel living in Indonesia.
          • Temminck's Flying Squirrel, ( Petinomys setosus )
            is a flying squirrel living in Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, and Thailand.
          • Vordermann's Flying Squirrel, ( Petinomys vordermanni )
            is a flying squirrel living in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Myanmar.
      • ( Subtribe Pteromyina )
        • ( Genus Aeretes )
          • Groove-toothed Flying Squirrel, ( Aeretes melanopterus )
            is a flying squirrel living in China.
        • Large Black Flying Squirrels ( Genus Aeromys )
          • Black Flying Squirrel, ( Aeromys tephromelas )
            is a black flying squirrel living in Brunei, Indonesia, and Malaysia.
          • Thomas's Flying Squirrel, ( Aeromys thomasi )
            is a black flying squirrel living in Indonesia and Malaysia.
        • ( Genus Belomys )
          • Hairy-footed Flying Squirrel, ( Belomys pearsonii )
            is a flying squirrel found in the mountains of the eastern Himalaya, Southeast Asia, and southern China till the island of Taiwan. It lives at altitudes between 1500 and 2400 m above sea level.
        • ( Genus Biswamoyopterus )
          • Namdapha Flying Squirrel, ( Biswamoyopterus biswasi )
            is a nocturnal flying squirrel living in India.
        • ( Genus Eupetaurus )
          • Woolly Flying Squirrel, ( Eupetaurus cinereus )
            is a flying squirrel living in Pakistani Kashmir. It is the longest member of the Squirrel family and the most massive gliding animal known.
        • ( Genus Petaurista )
          Squirrels in this family are generally large nocturnal squirrels.
          • Red And White Giant Flying Squirrel, ( Petaurista alborufus )
            is a Giant flying squirrel living in China and Taiwan.
          • Spotted Giant Flying Squirrel, ( Petaurista elegans )
            is a giant flying squirrel living in China, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, and Vietnam.
          • Hodgson's Giant Flying Squirrel, ( Petaurista magnificus )
            is a giant flying squirrel living in India and Nepal.
          • Bhutan Giant Flying Squirrel, ( Petaurista nobilis )
            is a giant flying squirrel living in Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, and Nepal.
          • Indian Giant Flying Squirrel, ( Petaurista philippensis )
            Is a giant flying squirrel living in China, India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, and Thailand.
          • Chinese Giant Flying Squirrel, ( Petaurista xanthotis )
            Is a giant flying squirrel living in China and Laos.
          • Japanese Giant Flying Squirrel, ( Petaurista leucogenys )
            is a giant flying squirrel living in the islands of Honshū, Kyūshū and Shikoku in Japan and in Guangzhou in China.
          • Red Giant Flying Squirrel, ( Petaurista petaurista )
            is a giant flying squirrel, which ranges from the eastern regions of Afghanistan, into northern India and Pakistan through to Java, and Taiwan, and also Sri Lanka. It can also be found in parts of Borneo.
        • Old World flying squirrel ( Genus Pteromys )
          • Siberian Flying Squirrel, ( Pteromys volans )
            is an old world flying squirrel with a range from the Baltic Sea in the west to the Pacific coast in the east. It is the only species of flying squirrel found in Europe. It is considered vulnerable within the European Union where it is found only in Finland and Estonia. .
          • Japanese Dwarf Flying Squirrel, ( Pteromys momonga )
            is an old world flying squirrel living in Japan.
        • ( Genus Pteromyscus )
          • Smoky Flying Squirrel, ( Pteromyscus pulverulentus )
            is a flying squirrel living in Brunei, Indonesia, peninsular Malaysia, and southern Thailand
        • ( Genus Trogopterus )
          • Complex-toothed Flying Squirrel,  ( Trogopterus xanthipes )
            is a flying squirrel living in the southern Chinese provinces of Hubei, Hunan, Guizhou, Sichuan and Yunnan.
  • Asian ornate squirrels ( Subfamily Callosciurinae )
    • ( Tribe Callosciurini )
      • Beautiful squirrels ( Genus Callosciurus )
        • Anderson's squirrel ( Callosciurus quinquestriatus )
          is an asian ornate squirrel found throughout China and Myanmar.
        • The Black-striped squirrel ( Callosciurus nigrovittatus )
          is an asian ornate squirrel found throughout Java, Sumatra, southern Thailand, the Malay Peninsula, and numerous small islands.
        • The Borneo black-banded squirrel ( Callosciurus orestes )
          is an asian ornate squirrel living in northern Borneo.
        • The Ear-spot squirrel ( Callosciurus adamsi ),
          is an asian ornate squirrel living in northern Borneo.
        • The Inornate squirrel ( Callosciurus inornatus )
          is an asian ornate squirrel living across Laos, Vietnam, and the Chinese province of Yunnan. 
        • The Kinabalu squirrel ( Callosciurus baluensis ),
          is an asian ornate squirrel livin in northeastern Borneo, specifically the wide area around Mount Kinabalu.
        • Kloss's squirrel ( Callosciurus albescens )
          is an asian ornate squirrel living in northern Sumatra.
        • The Mentawai squirrel ( Callosciurus melanogaster )
          is an asian ornate squirrel native to the Mentawai Islands off the west coast of Sumatra.
        • Phayre's squirrel ( Callosciurus phayrei )
          is an asian ornate squirrel living in China and southern Myanmar.
        • Finlayson's squirrel ( Callosciurus finlaysonii )
          is an asian ornate squirrel living in Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam.
        • Gray-bellied squirrel ( Callosciurus caniceps )
          is an asian ornate squirrel living in Peninsular Malaysia, Thailand, southern Myanmar, southern China (Yunnan) and possibly western Laos.
        • Irrawaddy squirrel ( Callosciurus pygerythrus )
          is an asian ornate squirrel living in Bangladesh, China, India, Myanmar, and Nepal.
        • Pallas's squirrel ( Callosciurus erythraeus )
          is an asian ornate squirrel living in forests from far eastern India and Bhutan, through Indochina, to the Thai-Malay Peninsula and southern and eastern China (including Taiwan).
        • Plantain squirrel ( Callosciurus notatus )
          Is an asian ornate squirrel living in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand
        • Prevost's squirrel ( Callosciurus prevostii )
          also known as the Asian tri-colored squirrel, is found living in forest areas in the Thai-Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Borneo and nearby smaller islands, with an introduced population in northern Sulawesi.
      • Red-cheeked squirrels or Asian montane squirrels ( Genus Dremomys )
        • Bornean Mountain Ground Squirrel, ( Dremomys everetti )
          is a ground squirrel found living in Indonesia and Malaysia.
        • Red-throated Squirrel, ( Dremomys gularis )
          is a squirrel living in parts of southeastern Asia, in areas of the Red River Valley of northern Vietnam and southern central Yunnan in China.
        • Orange-bellied Himalayan Squirrel, ( Dremomys lokriah )
          is a squirrel living in parts of in China, India, Myanmar, Nepal and Bhutan.
        • Perny's Long-nosed Squirrel, ( Dremomys pernyi )
          is a squirrel living in China, India, Myanmar, Taiwan, and Vietnam.
        • Red-hipped Squirrel, ( Dremomys pyrrhomerus )
          is a squirrel living in China and Vietnam.
        • Asian Red-cheeked Squirrel, ( Dremomys rufigenis )
          is a squirrel living in Cambodia, China, India, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam.
      • Asian pygmy squirrels ( Genus Exilisciurus )
        • Philippine Pygmy Squirrel ( Exilisciurus concinnus )
          is an asian pygmy squirrel living in the Philippines.
        • Least Pygmy Squirrel ( Exilisciurus exilis )
          also known as the Plain Pygmy Squirrel, this squirrel is among the smallest squirrels in the world and lives in forest areas in Borneo and the Banggi Island.
        • Tufted Pygmy Squirrel ( Exilisciurus whiteheadi )
          is an asian pygmy squirrel living in highland forests in Borneo.
      • Sculptor squirrel ( Genus Glyphotes )
        • Sculptor Squirrel ( Glyphotes simus )
          is a sculptor squirrel living in Malaysia.
      • Long-nosed squirrels ( Genus Hyosciurus )
        • Montane Long-nosed Squirrel ( Hyosciurus heinrichi )
          is a long-nosed squirrel living in Indonesia.
        • Lowland Long-nosed Squirrel ( Hyosciurus ileile )
          is a long-nosed squirrel living in Indonesia.
      • Striped ground squirrel ( Genus Lariscus )
        • The Four-striped Ground Squirrel ( Lariscus hosei, syn. Sciurus hosei )
          is a striped ground squirrel living in Borneo.
        • The Mentawai Three-striped Squirrel ( Lariscus obscurus )
          is a striped ground squirrel living in the subtropical and tropical forests of Indonesia.
        • The Niobe Ground Squirrel ( Lariscus niobe )
          is a striped ground squirrel living in the subtropical and tropical forests of Indonesia.
        • The Three-striped Ground Squirrel ( Lariscus insignis )
          is a striped ground squirrel living in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand. 
      • Indochinese ground squirrel ( Genus Menetes )
        • The Berdmore's Ground Squirrel ( Menetes berdmorei )
          is a ground squirrel living in Southeast Asia, from the east of Myanmar to Vietnam. 
      • Black-eared pygmy squirrel ( Genus Nannosciurus )
        • The Black-eared Squirrel ( Nannosciurus melanotis )
          is a pygmy squirrel living in Borneo, Sumatra and Java.
      • Dwarf squirrels or Sulawesi tree squirrels ( Genus Prosciurillus )
        • Secretive Dwarf Squirrel ( Prosciurillus abstrusus )is a dwarf squirrel living in Indonesia.
        • Whitish Dwarf Squirrel ( Prosciurillus leucomus )
          is a dwarf squirrel living in Indonesia.
        • Celebes Dwarf Squirrel ( Prosciurillus murinus )
          is a dwarf squirrel living in Indonesia.
        • Sanghir Squirrel ( Prosciurillus rosenbergii )
          is a dwarf squirrel living on the presently-dormant volcanic Sangir Island, which is one of the Sangir Islands in Indonesia.
        • Weber's Dwarf Squirrel ( Prosciurillus weberi )
          is a dwarf squirrel living in Indonesia.
      • Shrew-faced Squirrel ( Genus Rhinosciurus )
        • The Shrew-faced Squirrel ( Rhinosciurus laticaudatus )
          forests in Peninsular Malaysia (possibly also in adjacent southern Thailand), Singapore, Sumatra and Borneo. 
      • Red-bellied squirrel or Sulawesi giant squirrel ( Genus Rubrisciurus )
        • The Red-bellied squirrel ( Rubrisciurus rubriventer )
          is a squirrel living on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi.
      • Sunda tree squirrels ( Genus Sundasciurus )
        • ( Subgenus Sundasciurus )
          • Brooke's Squirrel ( Sundasciurus brookei )
            is a tree squirrel found in Indonesia and Malaysia.
          • Fraternal Squirrel ( Sundasciurus fraterculus )
            is a squirrel found in Indonesia.
          • Jentink's Squirrel ( Sundasciurus jentinki )
            is a squirrel found in Indonesia and Malaysia
          • Low's Squirrel ( Sundasciurus lowii )
            found in Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand.
          • Slender Squirrel ( Sundasciurus tenuis )
             found in Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand. 
        • ( Subgenus Aletesciurus )
          • Davao Squirrel ( Sundasciurus davensis )
            found in the Philippines.
          • Horse-tailed Squirrel ( Sundasciurus hippurus )
            found throughout the islands of Borneo and Sumatra, as well as the southern half of the Malay Peninsula, which includes the entire nations of Brunei and Malaysia, as well as some areas of Indonesia and Thailand.
          • Busuanga Squirrel ( Sundasciurus hoogstraali )
            found in the Philippines.
          • Northern Palawan Tree Squirrel ( Sundasciurus juvencus )
            found in the Philippines.
          • Mindanao Squirrel ( Sundasciurus mindanensis )
            found in the Philippines.
          • Culion Tree Squirrel ( Sundasciurus moellendorffi )
            found in the Philippines.
          • Philippine Tree Squirrel ( Sundasciurus philippinensis )
            found in the Philippines.
          • Palawan Montane Squirrel ( Sundasciurus rabori )
            found in the Philippines.
          • Samar Squirrel ( Sundasciurus samarensis )
            found in the Philippines.
          • Southern Palawan Tree Squirrel ( Sundasciurus steerii )
            found in the Philippines.
      • Asiatic Striped Squirrels ( Genus Tamiops )
        • Himalayan Striped Squirrel, ( Tamiops mcclellandii )
          found in Bhutan, Cambodia, China, India, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand, and Vietnam.
        • Maritime Striped Squirrel, ( Tamiops maritimus )
          found in China, Laos, Taiwan, and Vietnam.
        • Cambodian Striped Squirrel, ( Tamiops rodolphii )
          found in Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, and Vietnam.
        • Swinhoe's Striped Squirrel, ( Tamiops swinhoei )
          found in China, Myanmar, and Vietnam.
    • Palm Squirrels ( Tribe Funambulini )
      • ( Genus Funambulus )
        • ( Subgenus Funambulus )
          • Layard's Palm Squirrel ( Funambulus layardi )
            found in Sri Lanka.
          • Indian Palm Squirrel ( Funambulus palmarum )
            also known as three-striped palm squirrel. It is found naturally in India (south of the Vindhyas) and Sri Lanka. In the late 19th century, the Palm squirrel was accidentally introduced into Western Australia.
          • Dusky Palm Squirrel ( Funambulus sublineatus )
            found in India and Sri Lanka.
          • Jungle Palm Squirrel ( Funambulus tristriatus )
            also known as the jungle striped squirrel, or the western ghats squirrel and is found in India
        • ( Subgenus Prasadsciurus )
          • Northern Palm Squirrel ( Funambulus pennantii )
            also called the five-striped palm squirrel. It is found in the Andaman Islands, Nicobar Islands (introduced), India (in Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Chattisgarh, Delhi, Uttaranchal, Punjab, Gujarat, Haryana, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Orissa, Rajasthan, Sikkim, Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal), Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Iran. 
  • Terrestrial Squirrels ( Subfamily Xerinae )
    • Spiny Squirrels ( Tribe Xerini )
      • ( Genus Atlantoxerus )
        • Barbary Ground Squirrel, ( Atlantoxerus getulus )
          found in  Algeria, Morocco, and has also been introduced to the Canary Islands.
      • African Ground Squirrels ( Genus Xerus )
        • ( Subgenus Euxerus )
          • Striped Ground Squirrel, ( Xerus erythropus )
            found in Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ivory Coast, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, and Uganda.
        • ( Subgenus Geosciurus )
          • Cape Ground Squirrel, ( Xerus inauris )
            found in most of the drier parts of southern Africa from South Africa, through to Botswana, and into Namibia.
          • Mountain Ground Squirrel, ( Xerus princeps )
            also known as the Kaoko Ground Squirrel or the Damara Ground Squirrel. This squirrel is native to southwestern Angola, western Namibia, and western South Africa.
        • ( Subgenus Xerus )
          • Unstriped Ground Squirrel, ( Xerus rutilus )
            found in Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda.
      • ( Genus Spermophilopsis )
        • Long-clawed Ground Squirrel, ( Spermophilopsis leptodactylus )
          found in Afghanistan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan.
    • ( Tribe Protoxerini )
      • ( Genus Epixerus
        • Ebian's Palm Squirrel  ( Epixerus ebii )
          also known as Temminck's Giant Squirrel or the Western Palm Squirrel it lives in West and Central Africa.
      • African Striped Squirrels ( Genus Funisciurus )
        • Thomas's Rope Squirrel ( Funisciurus anerythrus )
          found in Benin, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea, and Nigeria.
        • Lunda Rope Squirrel ( Funisciurus bayonii )
          found in Angola and Democratic Republic of the Congo.
        • Carruther's Mountain Squirrel ( Funisciurus carruthersi )
           found in Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, and Uganda.
        • Congo Rope Squirrel ( Funisciurus congicus )
          found in Angola, Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Namibia.
        • Lady Burton's Rope Squirrel ( Funisciurus isabella )
          found in Cameroon, Central African Republic, Republic of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea, and Gabon.
        • Ribboned Rope Squirrel ( Funisciurus lemniscatus )
          found in Cameroon, Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Equatorial Guinea.
        • Red-cheeked Rope Squirrel ( Funisciurus leucogenys )
           found in Benin, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Equatorial Guinea, Ghana, Nigeria, and Togo.
        • Fire-footed Rope Squirrel ( Funisciurus pyrrhopus )
          found in Angola, Burundi, Cameroon, Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ivory Coast, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, and Uganda.
        • Kintampo Rope Squirrel ( Funisciurus substriatus )
          found in Benin, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Niger, and Togo.
      • Sun Squirrels ( Genus Heliosciurus )
        The habit of basking in the sun on tree branches is probably what gave this group its common name.
        • Gambian Sun Squirrel ( Heliosciurus gambianus )
          found in Angola, Benin, Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, Chad, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ivory Coast, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Liberia, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, and Zambia. 
        • Mutable Sun Squirrel ( Heliosciurus mutabilis )
          found in Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.
        • Small Sun Squirrel ( Heliosciurus punctatus )
          found in Ivory Coast, Ghana, Liberia, Sierra Leone, and possibly Guinea.
        • Red-legged Sun Squirrel ( Heliosciurus rufobrachium )
          found in Benin, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ivory Coast, Equatorial Guinea, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Liberia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Togo, and Uganda.
        • Ruwenzori Sun Squirrel ( Heliosciurus ruwenzorii )
          found in Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, and Uganda.
        • Zanj Sun Squirrel ( Heliosciurus undulatus )
          found in Kenya and Tanzania. 
      • African Pygmy Squirrel ( Genus Myosciurus )
        • The African Pygmy Squirrel ( Myosciurus pumilio )
          is a pygmy squirrel living in Cameroon, the Republic of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea, and Gabon. 
      • African Bush Squirrel ( Genus Paraxerus )
        • Alexander's Bush Squirrel, ( Paraxerus alexandri )
           found in Democratic Republic of the Congo and Uganda.
        • Boehm's Bush Squirrel, ( Paraxerus boehmi )
          found in Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Rwanda, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia.
        • Smith's Bush Squirrel, ( Paraxerus cepapi )
          found in Angola, Botswana, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.
        • Cooper's Mountain Squirrel, ( Paraxerus cooperi )
          found in Cameroon and Nigeria.
        • Striped Bush Squirrel, ( Paraxerus flavovittis )
          found in Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, and Tanzania.
        • Black and Red Bush Squirrel, ( Paraxerus lucifer )
          found in Malawi, Tanzania, and Zambia. 
        • Ochre Bush Squirrel, ( Paraxerus ochraceus )
          found in Kenya, Somalia, Sudan, and Tanzania.
        • Red Bush Squirrel, ( Paraxerus palliatus )
          found in Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Somalia, South Africa, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe. 
        • Green Bush Squirrel, ( Paraxerus poensis )
          found in Benin, Cameroon, Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ivory Coast, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, and Sierra Leone.
        • Swynnerton's Bush Squirrel, ( Paraxerus vexillarius )
          found in Tanzania.
        • Vincent's Bush Squirrel, ( Paraxerus vincenti )
          found in Mozambique.
      • African Giant Squirrel ( Genus Protoxerus )
        • ( Subgenus Protoxerus )
          • Forest Giant Squirrel, ( Protoxerus stangeri )
            Also known as Stanger's Squirrel and is found in Angola, Benin, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ivory Coast, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Togo, and Uganda. 
        • ( Subgenus Allosciurus )
          • Slender-tailed Squirrel, ( Protoxerus aubinnii )
            found in Ivory Coast, Ghana, Liberia, and Sierra Leone.
    • Ground Squirrels, Marmots, Chipmunks, Prairie Dogs ( Tribe Marmotini )
      • Chinese rock squirrels ( Genus Sciurotamias )
        • Père David's Rock Squirrel ( Sciurotamias davidianus )
          also known as the Chinese rock squirrel and is found in China.
        • Forrest's Rock Squirrel ( Sciurotamias forresti )
          found in Sichuan and Yunnan in China
      • Chipmunks ( Subtribe Tamiina )
        • ( Subgenus Tamias )
          • Eastern chipmunk, ( Tamias striatus )
            a small squirrel found in eastern North America.
        • ( Subgenus Eutamias )
          • Siberian chipmunk, ( Eutamias sibiricus )
            Also known as the Common Chipmunk, it is found across northern Asia from central Russia to China, Korea, and Hokkaidō in northern Japan.
        • ( Subgenus Neotamias )
          • Alpine chipmunk, ( Neotamias alpinus )
            a species of chipmunk native to the high elevations of the Sierra Nevada of California.
          • Yellow-pine chipmunk, ( Neotamias amoenus )
            found in Canada and the United States.
          • Buller's chipmunk, ( Neotamias bulleri )
            found in Mexico.
          • Gray-footed chipmunk, ( Neotamias canipes )
            found in New Mexico and Texas.
          • Gray-collared chipmunk, ( Neotamias cinereicollis )
            found in Arizona and New Mexico in the United States.
          • Cliff chipmunk, ( Neotamias dorsalis )
            a small, bushy-tailed squirrel that typically lives along cliff walls or boulder fields bordering Pinyon-juniper woodlands in the Western United States and Mexico.
          • Durango chipmunk, ( Neotamias durangae )
            found in Mexico.
          • Merriam's chipmunk, ( Neotamias merriami )
            It is found in central and southern California and in a small area in northern Baja California, Mexico.
          • Least chipmunk, ( Neotamias minimus )
            the smallest chipmunk in North America. It is also the most widespread species of chipmunk in North America occurring across north-central and western United States and from British Columbia and southern Yukon to western Quebec in Canada.
          • California chipmunk, ( Neotamias obscurus )
            found in Baja California, Mexico and in southern California in the United States.
          • Yellow-cheeked chipmunk, ( Neotamias ochrogenys )
            it is found in the areas near the coast of northern California in the United States.
          • Palmer's chipmunk, ( Neotamias palmeri )
            it is only found in the Spring Mountains of Clark County, Nevada in the United States. 
          • Panamint chipmunk, ( Neotamias panamintinus )
            it is found in desert mountain areas of southeast California and southwest Nevada in the United States.
          • Long-eared chipmunk, ( Neotamias quadrimaculatus )
            also known as the Sacramento chipmunk or the four-banded chipmunk, it has the longest ears out of all species of chipmunks. It can be found in the central and northern Sierra Nevada Mountains of California and Nevada in the United States.
          • Colorado chipmunk, ( Neotamias quadrivittatus )
            it is found in Colorado, Utah, Arizona and New Mexico in the United States.
          • Red-tailed chipmunk, ( Neotamias ruficaudus )
            it is found in Alberta and British Columbia in Canada and Montana, Idaho and Washington in the United States.
          • Hopi chipmunk, ( Neotamias rufus )
            found in Colorado, Utah and Arizona in the southwestern United States.
          • Allen's chipmunk, ( Neotamias senex )
            Also known as the Shadow Chipmunk, it is found in California, in the humid forests of the mountainous areas of Northern California including the Northern Coastal Range of California, the Trinity Alps, the Siskiyou Mountains, and the Sierra Nevada as far south as Fresno. They stretch into Oregon's Warner Mountains, and reach into the Nevada side only around the Tahoe basin.
          • Siskiyou chipmunk, ( Neotamias siskiyou )
            found in northern California and central Oregon.
          • Sonoma chipmunk, ( Neotamias sonomae )
            found in northwestern California in the United States.
          • Lodgepole chipmunk, ( Neotamias speciosus )
            found in the U.S. state of California at elevations from 1,500 to 3,000 metres (4,900 to 9,800 ft)
          • Townsend's chipmunk, ( Neotamias townsendii )
            found in forests of the Pacific Northwest of North America, from British Columbia through western Washington and Oregon.
          • Uinta chipmunk, ( Neotamias umbrinus )
            found in in montane and subalpine forests of the western United States, between 1,400 and 3,650 metres (4,600 and 11,980 ft) elevation.
      • Marmots ( Subtribe Marmotina )
        • ( Genus Marmota )
          • ( Subgenus Marmota )
            • Alpine marmot, ( Marmota marmota )
              found only in Europe in the Alps, northern Apennines in Italy, Carpathians, Tatras, and reintroduced in the Pyrenees.
            • Gray marmot, ( Marmota baibacina )
              also known as the Altai marmot and is found in Siberia.
            • Bobak marmot, ( Marmota bobak )
              can be found from central Europe to central Asia.
            • Alaska marmot, ( Marmota broweri )
              Also known as the Brower's marmot, or Brooks Range marmot, and is found in Alaska.
            • Black-capped marmot, ( Marmota camtschatica )
              is found in eastern Siberia.
            • Long-tailed marmot, ( Marmota caudata )
              Also known as the golden marmot, or red marmot, and is found in central Asia.
            • Himalayan marmot  ( Marmota himalayana )
              Also known as the Tibetan snow pig and is found in the Himalayas.
            • Menzbier's marmot, ( Marmota menzbieri )
              is found in central Asia
            • Groundhog ( Marmota Monax )
              Also known as a woodchuck or whistlepig and is found in most of North America.
            • Tarbagan marmot, ( Marmota sibirica )
              Also known as the Mongolian marmot, or tarvaga, and is found in Siberia.
          • ( Subgenus Petromarmota )
            • Hoary marmot, ( Marmota caligata )
              found in northwestern North America (Canada and Alaska)
            • Yellow-bellied marmot, ( Marmota flaviventris )
              found in southwestern Canada and western United States.
            • Olympic marmot, ( Marmota olympus )
              found in the Olympic Peninsula, Washington, USA
            • Vancouver Island marmot, ( Marmota vancouverensis )
              found on Vancouver Island in British Columbia, Canada
      • True Ground Squirrels ( Subtribe Spermophilina )
        • Antelope Ground Squirrels ( Genus Ammospermophilus )
          • Harris's antelope squirrel, ( Ammospermophilus harrisii )
            Found in southern Arizona, Sonora.
          • San Joaquin antelope squirrel ( Ammospermophilus nelsoni )
            Also known as Nelson's Antelope squirrel found in San Joaquin Valley of California.
          • White-tailed antelope squirrel, ( Ammospermophilus leucurus )
            Found in New Mexico, southern Arizona, California, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, and north to Oregon. It is the most widely distributed species in the genus.
          • Texas antelope squirrel, ( Ammospermophilus interpres )
            Found in Texas, New Mexico.
          • Insular antelope squirrel, ( Ammospermophilus insularis )
            Found in Espiritu Santo Island Baja California Sur.
        • Prairie Dogs ( Genus Cynomys )
          • Gunnison's prairie dog, ( Cynomys gunnisonium nocterna )
          • White-tailed prairie dog, ( Cynomys leudacurus )
          • Black-tailed prairie dog, ( Cynomys ludovicianus )
          • Mexican prairie dog, ( Cynomys mexican )
          • Utah prairie dog, ( Cynomys pardos )
        • ( Genus Spermophilus )